The J51 Carousel module is a simple module allowing you to place columns of content within a rotating carousel. Content for each column is set within the module settings. Once installed a new instance of this module can be creating by navigating to Extensions -> Modules -> New -> J51 Carousel. Available options for this module include the following..
- Number of Columns: Set the total number of columns to be displayed
- Randomize Columns: Enable to randomize the sequence of your columns.
- Columns Per Slide: Set the number of columns visible at any one time.
- Box Columns: Styling option to apply a box/background to each column of content.
- Horizontal Margin: Set the horizontal spacing between each column of content.
- Vertical Margin: Set the spacing above and below your carousel.
- Autoplay: Enable automatically rotate carousel once page has been loaded.
- Transition Interval: If autoplay is enabled, this field sets the interval between each carousel rotation (in milliseconds, eg. 1000 = 1 second).
- Transition Duration: If autoplay is enabled, this field sets the duration of the transition between each rotation (in milliseconds, eg. 1000 = 1 second).
- Transition Type: By default columns slide rotate. If the Columns Per Slide field is set to 1, you can rotate your carousel using a selection CSS animations.
- Pagination: Enables pagination on your carousel in the form of dot indicators.
- Navigation: Enables previous and next buttons for each slide.
- Previous Button Text: Set the previous button text for navigation.
- Next Button Text: Set the next button text for navigation.
- Columns (Tablet Landscape): Set the number of columns per slide on tablet landscape.
- Columns (Tablet Portrait): Set the number of columns per slide on tablet portrait.
- Columns (Mobile Landscape): Set the number of columns per slide on mobile phone landscape.
- Columns (Mobile Portrait): Set the number of columns per slide on mobile phone portrait.
Content for each column is setting using the corresponding available tabs. Each tab has an editor to enter your carousel content.