Template Natalie / Joomla 3
Hi Ciaran,
I have some issues with this template.
I set a background image at position showcase and want to show (overlap) it to position hornav and header_top.
For this reason I set "Overlap...." in slideshow to "yes".
So far so good.
Doing this
- the image overlap only the hornav position but not the header_top position
- the function "stickyheader" is disabled, means there is no more sticky header no matter what you set
- in case of using "overlap" yes, "sticky header" yes and module position header_top1 and/or header_top2 activated, the header layout is shot
Futhermore I want to hide the line between hornav and showcase.
What am I doing wrong?
I send url and access data to info@joomla51.com
Thanks for your assistance.