Just started creating a website for a real estate agent with template J51Avenue.
My client likes the template but would prefer not seeing the dark horizontal lines at the top and bottom of page http://farmerco.qth.com/scott-s-listings/residential.html. Content for this page is called from an installed real estate extension "Iproperty" as described at http://extensions.thethinkery.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=7&Itemid=24 . Other pages such as the home page at http://farmerco.qth.com/scottfarmer.html display normally without these lines. Please advise what I need to do to avoid seeing these distracting horizontal lines.
Secondly, my client prefers his website visitors to be able to conduct a search by MLS number such as the one shown at the top of page http://farmerco.qth.com/. This is a specialized Iproperty module. I attempted to place the MLS Search module in position "Search" but it failed to display since "Search" is not a recognized module position for your template J51Avenue. Please advise the procedures for changing code to create a "Search" module position in the same position as the existing default "SEARCH" located to the left side of the HORNAV .
Best regards and hope to hear from you,