Hi Ciaran,
Installing Nina as a package with Joomla 4 gives a big problem, fatal error.
I downloaded the package march 29, installed it.
Then I got two warnings in the System Dashboard > Maintenance.
1. Database: one problem in Joomla CMS. However, there are 3 problems - see image I sent.
2. Global Check-in: 4 items to check-in in 'vry_modules table'
I first tried to check-in these 4 items - succeeded.
Back to database. Still the same 3 problems.
(the site is normal visible all the time)
(first there were problems for installing extra language, problem solved)
There is still the same one problem with the database: 'The tables are not up to date!'
Hitting the red button "One problem" with Joomla CMS shows 3 problems - see image I sent.
If I choose the button "Update Structure" whole of the backend is broken! See image 2 I sent.
Frontend is okay.
Logging out and in does not help.
What is going wrong?
And how can we solve this?
(superuser account for you is ready)
- - - -
Now I tried it another way: uploading al the extracted files.
That gives me a great lot of failures. See image 'Nina-failures'.