hi. after trying to install the demo for ariana template it first locked me out of the site and then i could not get the 2 factor authentication to work as it did not even dispay as an option when i selected the user and tried to add it. I went to the plugins and trie to activate it and it was activated. i then tried to activate the yubikey plugin but it failed with an error saying ti coud not finf the yubkey.xml file but it was there when i looked in cpanel. eventually gave up and loaded just the latest joomla and then t was there so I thnk it was an issue with your demo maybe? i have used ariana demo last year with no issues so maybe it's just the joomla update or something....
Anyway since i cannot seem to use the demo I need to know how to replicate the effect on the demo on the home page as shown in the pictures attached thanks