1. ziggy
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Commercial Templates
  4. Monday, 04 March 2013
  5.  Subscribe via email

I am a new joomla user, last year I bought a template (Neptune), I want to see that template in my page, but I can´t see the banner, the module, the menue, etc..

It´s look like the problem is with the joomla instalation, but why?
somebody told me that there is a way to install the template as it´s shows originally. true or false?

please where I can read more about how to install a template and avoid changes?


Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Héctor

A default template installation will only include the template itself and not any site content. On some of our more recent releases we have started including a DemoInstaller which is a copy of the Joomla installation files with the template demo content included in place of Joomlas default 'Sample Data'. Sorry to say a DemoInstaller is not included with our Neptune template. If you wish you can send temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to info@joomla51.com and we will set up some of the elements of your site similar to that of our template demo. For our reference please paste a link to this post in your email.

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