On lines 96-97 of the index.php in the Oxygen template for V2.5 there appears to be an unmatched <div>. Would you mind checking this out? I believe it's throwing off the generated code.
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- bdhirsch
- Free Templates / Extensions
- Monday, 23 April 2012
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Hi bdhirsch
This template has been updated. Ensure to uninstall both the original template and slideshow module before installing.
This template has been updated. Ensure to uninstall both the original template and slideshow module before installing.
- more than a month ago
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- # 3
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That being said I will definitely update to your most recent template in hopes of resolving the issue and adding new features. Thanks!
- more than a month ago
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- # 4
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On the contrary, the problem appears to be within your default index.php file as downloaded from your site per my previous message and is not unique to my site. All you need to do to find the problem is open your index.php in any good HTML editor and it will report the missing </div>.
- more than a month ago
- Free Templates / Extensions
- # 5
Its difficult to say for sure what may be causing the issue without a URL to your site and the problem appears to be unique.
On a side note we are just in the process of putting our Oxygen template under the new framework similar to that of our more recent releases (http://www.joomla51.com/joomla-templates/j51-avenue) which will give it loads more features. We hope to have this ready over the next few hours. I'll drop a post here once the template is up. The updated version will most likely resolve the issue.
On a side note we are just in the process of putting our Oxygen template under the new framework similar to that of our more recent releases (http://www.joomla51.com/joomla-templates/j51-avenue) which will give it loads more features. We hope to have this ready over the next few hours. I'll drop a post here once the template is up. The updated version will most likely resolve the issue.
- more than a month ago
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- # 6
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Just to be sure I hadn't introduced anything funky, I re-downloaded your template and opened the index.php file (unmodified) in Adobe Dreamweaver. The editor reported an unmatched <div> and highlighted it in pink. The issue is causing the entire body of my articles to be treated as a link back to the home page, when in reality, just the logo at the top of the page should behave this way. Basically all of the links within my articles are being masked by the overall link to the homepage caused by the unmatched div.
- more than a month ago
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- more than a month ago
- Free Templates / Extensions
- # 8
All divs should be closed within the template. Would you have a URL to your site?
Be careful when text is copied and pasted from another document (MS Word, web browser) into your articles which can bring with it spurious code including unwanted div tags. Often best to paste the text into a simple text editor like Notepad and then copying from that into your editor to remove any formatting.
Be careful when text is copied and pasted from another document (MS Word, web browser) into your articles which can bring with it spurious code including unwanted div tags. Often best to paste the text into a simple text editor like Notepad and then copying from that into your editor to remove any formatting.
- more than a month ago
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- # 9
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Unmatched...as in, not the same number of </div> as there are <div>. There's an extra <div>
- more than a month ago
- Free Templates / Extensions
- # 10
Hi bdhirsch
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'unmatched'.. could you elaborate for us?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'unmatched'.. could you elaborate for us?
- more than a month ago
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- # 11
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