Dear Ciaran
Having a Stockholm
My upgrading from Joomla 3.10 to Joomla 4 went all well.
Just 2 strange things happen in the frontend.
1. Images (pasted vertically in columns of the Carousel model) are appearing in a huge way on the frontend, part of a CarouselModule. And I can't change/adjust the size, meaning in whatever editor (TinyMCE, JCE or Mirror), I change the ...px x ...px, they keep appearing in this huge way, as is to be seen in the images I attached, comparing Joomla 3 versus Joomla 4. How can I change this? Getting their appearance again in a reasonable size for the frontend? It doesn't have to be exactly the same, but these huge images will lay the focus on the wrong spot of my frontend.
2. I have soms youtube links (via All Video) paste in columns of a Carousel Model. In Joomla 3 they are visible. In Joomla 4, one can only read the short code {youtube}linktoyoutube{/youtube}. The All Video plugin is working in Joomla 4 since in articles the video's normally show up. They just seem not to want to appear in columns of Carousel Module Joomla 4. Is there something I can do to let this work again.
Hope to hear from you.
Best regards, Annechien