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  3. Commercial Templates
  4. Wednesday, 17 July 2024
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There are still problems with the J51 templates when creating the homepage under Joomla 5.
Some time ago I set up the homepage gwoe.mgmb100.de under Joomla4.

[1] The three "Content Top Modules" are not displayed in a line/horizontal. The same problem now reappears in my replica Joomla5-CMS gwoe2.mgmb100.de.

[2] As with Joomla4, when I set it to "Autoplay Transition," the "Message Module" turns. It does not know in which direction it should run continuously - especially if you move the mouse pointer over it.

[3] With Joomla4 the function "anima to scroll" still worked - now under J5 no longer?

[4] The six contributions linked to the J51_News module are not called up when clicked. Redirected back to the home page instead?

[5] Finally, as with the J4 version, I would use a "footer menu" to include the privacy policy and imprint. Since I did not perform a demo installation on the J5 version of the homepage, I do not see a "footer menu." Is it possible to integrate this menu somehow?

Thank you for your support?

Joomla 4 - Version: https: https://gwoe-mg.mgmb100.de

Joomla 5 - Version: https: https://gwoe2.mgmb100.de
  1. https://gwoe-mg.mgmb100.de
  2. https://gwoe2.mgmb100.de
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
footer menu can be done in joomla by creating a new menu. Then choose that in the template as footer menu
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I created the new footer menu. This has shot me the start page!?
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 2
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