I’ve set up a site using Skylar template and get 403 errors in at least three different scenarios. The site has some minor user CSS in custom.css.
Site setup:
- There is only one public page, like a portal, as the site root. It shows some infos about the site and a login form.
- There are also two pages for Legal Disclosure and Privacy Declaration, available from the footer menu, but these don’t matter here.
- Any other content is only visible for logged in users. Technically, all respective articles and menu items are set to access level “Registered”.
- One of the menu items is of type “Menu Heading” and is used to display a submenu.
403 errors show up in these cases for logged-in users:
1. When he clicks on the site title.
2. When he closes his browser without logging out.
3. When he clicks on the menu item of type “Menu Heading”. (There is no error, when he clicks to a submenu item.)
In any case, the site remains unusable until the previously logged-in user’s session is killed in Joomla backend. I even experienced some situations where I had to deactivate and reactivate the respective user.
As a temporary solution for 1. I've removed the title link from inc/layouts/logo.php.
As a temporary solution for 3. I've prepared a dummy article and display a "Single Article" instead of a "Memu Heading".
I’ve prepared a demo site with only a minimum of content, but containing the complete site structure. I also prepared a test user (User Name: test / password: test) and a Superuser (User Name and Password will be sent to info@joomla51.com).