Hi Ciaran
today I successfully migrated one of my sites to Joomla 4.0 (I tried to migrate to 4.0.6, but the site crashed immediately). After that, I installed the J4 version of SKYLAR and LayerSlideshow_Lite. This looked good initially. But as soon as I tried to access an article via the respective menu item, the site crashed with an error 500 (see J4 Error 500 Following a Menu Link.jpg).
As I found out today, one of the features of J3 didn't make it to J4: The article options "Show Icons", "Show Print", and "Show Email". Unfortunately, I had used this feature (see J3 Article Options.jpg, Start Page J3.jpg). Under J4, the Icon has simply disappeared, which is okay (see Start Page J4.jpg). But as soon as I try to follow a menu link to another article, the site crashes. There is an indication that this behavior is related to the missing print icon.
If I switch the template to Cassiopeia, the site works as expected (as far as I have tested it).
I assume that you would like to have a look at the issue. I have created a superuser account for you.
User name: REMOVED
Password: REMOVED