Hello Ciaran,
Can I offer a suggestion. Have you ever thought about designing and selling extensions separate or in addition to the templates. For example you have some extensions on some templates that I might want to use as additions on other sites. One particular extension that I'm searching for an an interactive timeline and when you see my website eventually.. you will understand. I'd be more than happy to purchase an extension as such. I've noticed that there are other Joomla Template developers that will sell extensions and I'm sure its to maximize their sales. You are an excellent template designer and might benefit from this..
As I plan to add website design to my consulting biz, I plan to purchase extensive membership and templates to develop for my clients. Hey with that said.. I also don't want my clients to see where I purchase my templates .. what would you suggest..
In regards to the timeline, if you send me your email I can send you a link as to what I'm speaking of. But, as I keep looking at Privilege template attributes, I might be able to create one .. an interactive, responsive. I can show you via email and tell me what you think.