1. ziggy
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Commercial Templates
  4. Thursday, 17 January 2013
  5.  Subscribe via email
Hi there,

I need some help with my Menus.

Template: Resonate
Joomla: 2.5.8

After I created a multi language page and activated the responsive design, it is only possible to show one menu on mobile devices. On the computer with a browser it works fine so far.
Means If I choose in the template manager under Menus the Main Menu EN and activate under responsive design the module top-1 (where the Menu is located) it will show it ONLY on my English version, but in other languages the menu is gone.

Any advice?
Thanks so much for looking into that.


Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Ben

May I suggest sending temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to info@joomla51.com and we will examine this issue further.

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