1. jgarci48
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Saturday, 08 September 2012
  4.  Subscribe via email
Buenas tardes,

Tengo problemas con la plantilla que he utilizado en la siguiente pagina: http://www.artesaniadanes.com/canmariano/

En que archivo puedo cambiar el fondo transparetne de los modulos que lo son, por ejemplo el que salen los articulos de los menus. http://www.artesaniadanes.com/canmariano/index.php/llinteres/activitats. El problema es que no se bé nada, si lo pusiera transparente oscuro como el showcase se veria el texto.

Como puedo cambiar el tamño del título de los artículos, he leido que hay que poner algo en el costum css de la plantilla, pero esto es un archivo en concreto o tengo que añdirlo donde van los parametros styling, menu, sites, ..., dentro del cuadro de custom CSS? http://www.artesaniadanes.com/canmariano/index.php/llinteres/que-podem-visitar
Como cambio el interlineado de un articulo?:

Como puedo disminuir el espacio que hay entre los modulos, por ejemplo entre headermodule y showcase?

AL insertar dos showcase en lugar de uno me sale una cabecera en el head que no se que es, como puedo quitarlo? http://www.artesaniadanes.com/canmariano/index.php/per-menjar/celebra

Un saludo y gracias
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Sorry to say my I am unable to speak Spanish and using Google translate. I am unable to understand all of your query. I'll answer what I do understand.

You can increase the Title text size by adding the follow CSS to the Custom CSS field within your templates parameters (Extensions -> Template Manager -> J51_Bordeaux -> Custom CSS).

[code type=css]h2 {font-size: 38px !important;}[/code]
Where 38px is your new title size.

To decrease the space between the header and showcase add the following CSS also to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters..

[code type=css]#container_spacer3 {height: 154px;}[/code]
Edit 154px to your own taste. To decrease spacing by 10px change this to 144px.

The grey box appears to be created by your JSN ImageShow extension? May I suggest contacting JoomlaShine about this issue as I am not familiar with the extensions.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hola, gracias por contestar.

Intento explicarte de nuevo:
How I can change the background transparent containers, such as container items from the menus. http://www.artesaniadanes.com/canmariano/index....linteres/activitats The problem is that I do not see the letters, if I put all dark transparent containers like the container showcase, I'll see the text. I can do it in the costum css
How I can change the line spacing of an article: http://www.artesaniadanes.com/canmariano/index.php/per-menjar/celebra
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
You appear to have already resolved your first issue?

For the line spacing try adding the following to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters which you can adjust to your own taste..

[code type=css]p {line-height: 200% !important;}[/code]
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Helow Ciaran,

I have modified the position of the social media and the *search in the file nexus.css, I had a position in the top of 130 and have put them to 90, the problem is in that I have lost the links, I suppose that I have to modify another file but I don't know to done it,

Also it wanted to change the transparency of the mainmenu but I don't find the file. In other positions have done it without problem, but in this I don't find the file.

Also it wanted to place the flags of translation beside the social media, but I don' knok to do it


  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
For your issue with loosing the links on your search and social media icons try adding the following to the Custom CSS field in your templates parameters (Extensions -> Template Manager -> J51_Bordeaux)..

[code type=css]#container_spacer3 {z-index: 100;}[/code]
The main menu is part of a single image located here at ../templates/j51_bordeaux/images/style1/header.png from the root of your Joomla installation (http://demo.joomla51.com/0087/templates/j51_bordeaux/images/style1/header.png).

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 5
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Actually... adding the suggested CSS will not work as it just passes the issue on to the main menu. Your menu and logo div sits 130px high at the top of your page. When you reduced the height of your social icons div you placed it under the menu and logo div making it unclickable. Changing the z-index as suggested in the previous post switches these making your logo and menu unclickable.

Unfortunately the only solution I can think of is to remove the following from your CSS..

[code type=css]#container_spacer3 {height: 120px;}[/code]
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 6
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