Hello Ciaran,
I decided to use the Thumbs Gallery for Privilege and I'm receiving this error message.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mydatabase/public_html/modules/mod_j51thumbsgallery/helper.php on line 27
I also tried to use the folder with the demo thumbs (Root: images/thumbs/thumbs) which displays nothing. Not even the template thumbs
Here is the code I found in my database folder:
foreach ($files as $file) {
$image = GalleryHelper::getImages($path.'/'.$file,$thumbwidth,$thumbheight);
$lists[$i]['title'] = JFile::stripExt($file);
$lists[$i]['image'] = $image->image;
$lists[$i]['thumb'] = $image->thumb;
return $lists;
Please guide me as I'd prefer to learn for future reference. I tried to look at others who had same issue but I don't understand when it says change the path? I assume it sits in the database.. Thanks in advance..
- Agabby
- Commercial Templates
- Friday, 28 October 2016
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Hi April
May I suggest sending temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to info@joomla51.com and we will examine this issue further. For our reference please paste a link to this post in your email.
May I suggest sending temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to info@joomla51.com and we will examine this issue further. For our reference please paste a link to this post in your email.
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 1
Can you give me some guidance.. can you just give me some ideas to trouble shoot? IT's the only way I will learn.. Thanks
Can you give me some guidance.. can you just give me some ideas to trouble shoot? IT's the only way I will learn.. Thanks
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 2
Hi April
Have you looked at the following article on trouble shooting the thumbs gallery module.. https://joomla51.com/tutorials/item/troubleshooting-the-thumbsgallery
Have you looked at the following article on trouble shooting the thumbs gallery module.. https://joomla51.com/tutorials/item/troubleshooting-the-thumbsgallery
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 3
Hello Ciaran,
I thought about this from checking out your other posts regarding this issue. .. so I don't remember changing folders with the demo.. but maybe. I see a folder with the thumbs called "Thumbs" How can I rename the folder opposed to creating a new one? Thanks
I thought about this from checking out your other posts regarding this issue. .. so I don't remember changing folders with the demo.. but maybe. I see a folder with the thumbs called "Thumbs" How can I rename the folder opposed to creating a new one? Thanks
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 4
See when you provide me with the least bit of guidance it forces me to dig deeper, but at least I'm not in in the wilderness. So I created the folder "ThumbsGallery". I uploaded images 56 x 56 - it didn't work. Then I unpublished the J51_thumbsgallery module.. I created a test module.. and the default path images/banner. I was going to upload thumbs to this folder. but decided to set position, publish and save. Voila.. there it appeared.
Thank you so much.. very much! I've learned so much about coding here, teaching me how to research, etc., If you remember my very first post.. I knew nothing about Joomla.. NOT.. I was frustrated and it was a nice poster @tonyoriordan who guided me some and advised me to ask you, that you were very nice. You are and very patient. Two years later.. I'm still here.. not sure how I'll keep this away from my competitors once they see my published sites.. But my goal is to build a consulting business.. adding website design as a part of it. Purchasing templates.. etc. , But, I'm thinking the avg person won't do the work many of us here have.
Thanks again.
See when you provide me with the least bit of guidance it forces me to dig deeper, but at least I'm not in in the wilderness. So I created the folder "ThumbsGallery". I uploaded images 56 x 56 - it didn't work. Then I unpublished the J51_thumbsgallery module.. I created a test module.. and the default path images/banner. I was going to upload thumbs to this folder. but decided to set position, publish and save. Voila.. there it appeared.
Thank you so much.. very much! I've learned so much about coding here, teaching me how to research, etc., If you remember my very first post.. I knew nothing about Joomla.. NOT.. I was frustrated and it was a nice poster @tonyoriordan who guided me some and advised me to ask you, that you were very nice. You are and very patient. Two years later.. I'm still here.. not sure how I'll keep this away from my competitors once they see my published sites.. But my goal is to build a consulting business.. adding website design as a part of it. Purchasing templates.. etc. , But, I'm thinking the avg person won't do the work many of us here have.
Thanks again.
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 5
Hi April
Thank you for the update and glad to hear you found a solution.
You have indeed come a long way since you first started and we are happy to think we might have played some small part in getting there. Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the update and glad to hear you found a solution.
You have indeed come a long way since you first started and we are happy to think we might have played some small part in getting there. Keep up the good work!

- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 6
HA.. you all have played a BIG part in this.. I honestly knew nothing about Joomla.. only watched a few tutorials online.. did some google search and came across your site, with templates. Then ventured off a bit more. I now think I can teach intermediate level workshops in my community to lose from disadvantaged communities.. Once I finish my stuff .. You definitely have a customer for life.. Keep up the good work! Thanks again
HA.. you all have played a BIG part in this.. I honestly knew nothing about Joomla.. only watched a few tutorials online.. did some google search and came across your site, with templates. Then ventured off a bit more. I now think I can teach intermediate level workshops in my community to lose from disadvantaged communities.. Once I finish my stuff .. You definitely have a customer for life.. Keep up the good work! Thanks again
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 7
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