Hi Ciaran
Is there a possibility to use the phone and tablet menu only on phone devices?
For Desktop and Tablet the "normal" menu? I am using J51_Florence.
thank you and best regards
We have just updated our Florence template, adding the option which allows you to set the mobile menu breakpoint via your template settings (Responsive Options tab). For further details on updating your template may I suggest the following article... https://www.joomla51.com/tutorials/item/updating-your-template
Hallo Ciaran.
Thanks for telling me. Updated the template (bought new). However, I cannot find any change in the settings. Previously J51_Florence Ver. 1.0 now had Ver 1.0.2 from June 2014, ask for help.
Friendly greetings
Hallo Ciaran.
sorry. I just noticed the change in Tablet (Landscape) in frontend . Is there a way to influence Tablet (Portrait)?
thank you and best regards
You can use the Mobile Menu Breakpoint field in the Responsive Options tab. Reducing the to 720 will mean the mobile menu will only appear on screen sizes below 720px wide (usually phones only).
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