is it possible to change the current style in the oxygen theme based on the menu item that has been selected?
This is implemented in the 'Presense' theme demo and I was wondering if it was possible in Oxygen?
In Joomla you can now create multiple template styles. From your Joomla administration naviagate to Extensions -> Template Manager -> J51 Oxygen. Select an alternative style within the template parameters and click 'Save As Copy'. This style can then be applied to the menu items of your choice via the menu items parameters.
I've got the built in styles working great from menu selections (thanks again) but if I wanted to copy a current style, change its background and save it as a new style, is this possible?
I can edit the current background in a style no worries, just wondering how to copy a current style and save it as a new style.
When you open a style in your template manager you will have an option (Joomla 2.5) to 'Save as Copy' in the top right of your screen. This will create a duplicate style of your template.
I think I'm using the word styles incorrectly. I was referring to making a new style within the template (see picture) currently there is a blue, bronze and green by default. I would like to add some more to this list, eg blank, black, red, etc...
Adding new styles to the template would take a number of changes across core files of the template. Editing the current styles is relatively easy as the only real difference between each style is the background image ( which you can edit directly.
thanks, I'll consider getting your 'Presence' template as it comes with additional colour styles.. Hopefully changing from the oxygen template to Presence wont be too difficult..
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