I didn't know where to put this suggestion, but you might be interested in the idea.
Lately I've been seeing more and more websites with something like a vertical timeline. That is, a bar with points where there are stages. Sometimes as a history, sometimes as a roadmap. Sometimes static, sometimes with stages appearing one after the other as you scroll past.
Since I like the Joomla51 templates very much and such a function as an extension would, in my opinion, fit well into your scheme of product/company presentation, I would like to share this idea here.
I can imagine that the settings are the same as for the slideshow: Create entries, move in order. Title, description, ideally with full editor for e.g. images. And for the whole module then colour of the bar (if not inherited from the template) or alignment (text right, left or alternating) or if generally animated or not...
I have two projects right now where this would look good, where even laymen can easily add new points to the bar later. Maybe such an idea is something for you. In any case, it would make me happy to be able to use something like this in Joomla51 quality.