Hi Ciarán!
I love my customer... I'm not done

The background is still not perfect, it's good but not perfect... the words of my customer...
"The background image should always fit into the display"... This means, independent of the screen resolution, the background image should be completely visible. Height and width should be 100% of the screen resolution.
My screen resolution: 1680 x 1050px
Taking a look into my project, it seems that the slideshow is a little bit to high and therefore I'm getting a scrollbar. Scrolling down a little bit, I'm seeing the rest of the background image (a beach and some waves). I've reduced the height of the slideshow until the scrollbar disappears. Now, half of my background image is gone.
What my customer would like to have: The "Home" page should only contain the main menu, the slideshow with a few pictures, the background image in full size and NO scrollbar. All other pages could have a scrollbar but the background images should always be fully visiable. I think it could be a problem if there is a scrollbar and the background picture is getting larger and larger and distorted because of "100% height". Maybe the background image should remain fixed, optimised for the screen resolution...the background image is not scrolling.
You can see the current custom CSS a few postings above and I attached a screenshot to explain what I exactly mean.
Do you understand what I mean? English is not my native language, so it's a little bit hard to eplain.
Thank you for your help and assistance!