Hi Ciaran,
1 - thank you for upgrade, but it seems that nothing is changed (updated version 1.0.5 was installed as normal Joomla plugin or template over old template). Is it necessary to uninstall previous version of template before?
2 - there are 2 places where you can add style for intro images (e.g. "left"
: 1st is in Joomla article options, and 2nd is in the menu setting for blog layout - every option's render frontage not correctly.
2 - where in the template, or on your page (
https://www.joomla51.com/joomla-tutorials) is information about align intro or main article images? In template, under "General" is nothing about images at all.
3 - in Joomla (.../administrator/index.php?option=com_installer&view=update) is no information about updated version of template. How do I know if there is an updated version? In Joomla, under upgrade section, should be some information... So people would know that they should download new version of template or other your products.
4 - after login to J51 site, under "My downloads" is only entire ZIP with template and Joomla demo. So I have to download 43MB... after unzip it has 101MB...
5 - after upgrade, in text area (We are proud to present our latest addition 'Everly' to... ), is not information about updated date, it would be nice to see it there, so to be sure of installed latest version. And under .../index.php?option=com_templates&view=templates&client_id=0 is correct version 1.0.5, but with wrong date (there is "March 2022"
Thank you,