I've just re-skinned my site (teacupfairy.co.uk) with the Artisan template - it's looking lovely already although I have a bit more to do
Could you help me with a couple of things about the layer slideshow please?
First, the photos look great on the desktop but when I come to view them on a tablet or mobile device, the photo is showing the left hand edge inwards, rather than showing the centre of the the photo, the image seems to be anchored from top left corner, so the focus of the photo is off, and in some, the feature of the photo is lost.
Is it possible to amend this so that the centre of the photo shows instead?
Secondly, I love the matching captions - this works great, but I'd really love it if it included a hyperlink to direct traffic to the relevant pages - can this be done at all?
I look forward to hearing from you as always