1. mvanbergeijk
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Commercial Templates
  4. Sunday, 23 February 2025
  5.  Subscribe via email
I use the Novah template and in the settings I want to add an extra Module Style Overrides. I already have 20, but I need more. How can I add them, because the plus sign does not work to add an extra one. Please help!

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Marco

In your templates templateDetails.xml (../templates/[YourTemplate]/templateDetails.xml, locate the following (approx. line 524)...

<field name="moduleoverrides" type="subform" formsource="templates/j51_novah/elements/moduleOverrides.xml" class="advancedSelect" min="0" max="20" multiple="true" layout="joomla.form.field.subform.repeatable" groupByFieldset="true" label="Module Override(s)" description="Override the styling for individual module(s)" />

And replace with...

<field name="moduleoverrides" type="subform" formsource="templates/j51_novah/elements/moduleOverrides.xml" class="advancedSelect" min="0" max="100" multiple="true" layout="joomla.form.field.subform.repeatable" groupByFieldset="true" label="Module Override(s)" description="Override the styling for individual module(s)" />

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