Hi Ciarán
I'm working in localhost but I think that you can see the issue in any J51 template you may have installed.
Since I'm working now in a Magnolia website, I made the test installing and checking in that website all the 20 templates since Creative up to now.
- Assigned a template as default, successively.
In Styling I set a strong color (to be noticeable) to Top1 Background color.
Since Trinity, in Module widths, confirmed that the Top1 is "NO" in 100%
(the templates before Trinity do not have this setting but I presume that the default was "NO"
Called a menu item assigned to top1, for example Menu Features, Color Choosers.
Except the following templates, all the others extend the color 100% regardless if we choose yes or no.
The ones that obey to yes or no:
- Creative
My best regards