I'm having quite a bit of trouble in placing the Language Switcher on the left side of the "hornav" position in the J51_MonoChrome template, so that it appears on the left of the various menu items.
When in the "Module Language Switcher" ordering settings I place the switcher on position 1 (all the way to the left), this "pushes" the right-most entry of the menu one line down behind the "search" bar making it disappear (and thus unusable). If I change the order the language switcher to the rightmost position, then the language flags drop one line down to the search bar. They do remain visible however, so they are working, but the final effect is not as "clean" as having the flags on the left side of the menu bar.
I have the development site here with the language flags on the right (which pushes them down one line):
Here is a screenshot showing the the other position with the flags on the left but the right-most menu item (Contattaci) being pushed down one row:
[img size=976][/img]
Is there a way to fix this so the language flags are on the left (there's plenty of room) and the menu does not word wrap down one line?