That's the first thing I checked, when the error came up. No, the modules are all set just to "Home" in the the "Only On Pages Selected" screen. I set that back in July, and before Joomla 3.4 this all worked great, and I've not changed any settings there.
I will describe the problem in detail below, providing examples so you can see. I apologize for the length of this post, but don't know how else to be clear in describing the problem, so it can hopefully be resolved. Here's the first example:
Go to this page: (site using Renovate.) This is an A-Z index of all the songs on the site, linking to the Lyric pages.
Scroll to the bottom of that index page (created last summer) and click on the link "Walking Along the Trail." You will see that, as desired, it brings up the article containing the lyric for that song, without the Grid Gallery showing above it. This is what is supposed to happen, what did happen until the update last week. I create within JCE a link, and it goes directly to the desired article, without the modules showing above.
Now, on the index page, click on
"Walking Test 1." Now, when you pull up that same article, you'll see the Grid Gallery appearing above the lyric text. (When I had the Slideshow published, it pulled that up too - which is why for now the Slideshow is unpublished, since it takes us so much space on the page. But the error works the same and is visible with the Grid Gallery.)
This is the issue. I don't want to see these modules appearing above linked article content. Here, they distract from being able to view desired content.
Now, last of all, ciick on "Walking Test 2," right next to "Walking Test 1." You will see that it goes to directly to the article, as with the original "Walking Along the Trail" link, without the module appearing above it. I generated that link by copying into JCE the URL from the original "Walking" link. I generated the problem link by creating a brand new link in JCE, selecting "Content," then newly selecting the page. (This is how all of the original links were generated - without issue, before the update.)
The correct display (the original "Walking" link, and Test 2, without the modules showing above, shows this in the URL:
The problem link, newly generated, with the modules appearing above, shows this URL:
Comparing the two, the non-problematic URL includes the words "/sheet-music/indexes/alphabetical-index/" between the site name and the article name. The problem URL does not include these words. Yet both links were created in exactly the same way - by generating them in JCE, linking chosen "Content" to an article within the site. Before Joomla 3.4 and the updated JCE, doing this created a lovely clear link to just the page content, as in "Test Link 2." Since the updates, the modules are appearing uninvited on EVERY new link, on every page, old or new, on all four of my J51 sites.
Here's another example, on another of my sites (using Habitat): Go to (The A-Z index page for this site.) Here, I left both the Slide Show and the Icons visible, so you can see the full magnitude of the issue, taking up lots of crucial space at the top of the screen when the error occurs, essentially making the content invisible unless a viewer thinks to scroll down under the modules each time (which is unlikely.)
Go to the bottom of that index page and click "Test." You'll see the modules come up, above the Test article. (This is where I first noticed the issue.)
Now click "Test 2." Here I copied into JCE the URL from the original link (higher on the page, "A Bee-yoo-ti-ful Day." No modules appear above it.
Now click "Test 3." Same lyric article - but this time with the slide show and icons appearing above it. Here I newly linked in JCE to the same exact page, but this time creating a new link directly in JCE through selecting "Content," then the article. The same process I've used all along in my sites - but now bringing up this module display problem. The URL's generated in this example, for compare and contrast, are:
Test: (new link, with the error)
Test 2: (copying the old link, without the error)
Test 3: (new link to the same page as test 2, with the error.)
Again, as in the first site, the new problem links are appearing shorter (in this example, without "index/lyrics-a-z/" - for some reason, these new links call up the modules now.
So, I don't know if perhaps the JCE and/or Joomla updates are now saving articles with these more compact addresses. Whatever is creating these shorter addresses seems to be triggering this error with the J51 modules. By and large, I think shorter addresses are great - much clearer in the browser display. But... the resulting impact on J51 module display, at this point, is my "burning issue." Because creating new internal links on the site, to new lyric and product pages, is exactly what I need to do next on all my sites. (Though I didn't send examples, the same issue is occurring with J51 modules on my Grafik and Letterpress sites as well.)
I really hope you can help resolve this. I apologize for the length of this post, but hopefully the detail and examples will help you figure out what's going on here. Hopefully, this will ultimately help not just me, but many other users of your beautiful templates, as we move into Joomla 3.4, and as you work on these J51 updates. Thanks -- Carrie