Have purchased Specialised and you like to play around with several text colour.
I have found out that the main css file is nexus.css?
However it takes some time to figure all out. For example changes I perform in the template setting such as "Content Link Color", I have changed the colour from the settings for the normal state, but I would also would like to change its hover colour? WHere is that saved?
Plus I would like to change the text content and colour of the "More Articles" in a blog category...Can't find it!

Any help for "Content Link Color" Hover and more articles colour will be appreciated....
Also please let me know which is the main css file...
Last but not least I would like to add some available fonts since my default language is Greek and it is not supported by most of the templates fonts.
Where do I add those google fonts? In googleFonts.php...what is the procedure for adding fonts?
That is for now...I will come back with more questions...
Thanks so much!