I've stumbled upon yet another problem with my Polaris template.
It is the Search page layout, it does unfortunately not seem to have a very clean layout, compared to e.g. protostar template.
I also tried to make a fresh template install on a test site to check if this is an original issue or something originating from my Custom CSS. But the 'Search Page' looks just the same on a fresh J51_Polaris install.
I don't think the Search page is supposed to be like this?
Can you help get it to look correctly. E.g. like the protostar template, would be great

Site URL: http://skotarnirvidlokin.fo - The searchbox is located first in the right side-column
Direct URL to an example: http://skotarnirvidlokin.fo/leita?searchword=bal&ordering=newest&searchphrase=all - Searching "Bal"
(Attached a screenshot of the Search Page from the Polaris template compared to protostar)