Hi Ciaran,
I have been trying to get a Hikashop Shopping Cart system to work with J4 J51_Jasmine template. After many posts on their technical forum they have got back to me with the following.
The issue comes from your template.
In the file /media/templates/site/j51_jasmine/css/animate.min.css
It has the CSS rule:
@supports not (-ms-high-contrast:none){.visible{opacity:0!important}}
which forces the elements with the class "visible" on your website to be transparent, even the one generated by the PayPal JS SDK in order to display the PayPal buttons on the end page.
It seems your template is using an old version of http://github.com/animate-css/animate.css because the latest version doesn't contain that problematic CSS code. I would highly recommend notifying your template provider of this issue.
As suggested I am relaying this information to yourself. Will you update the template to correct this? Do you agree with this analysis?
Thanks and regards,