1. crimle
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Commercial Templates
  4. Monday, 06 January 2025
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Hi Ciaran

Yesterday I updated the template J51_Ensley on one of my websites from a previous version to version J51_Ensley_J4 1.1.7. Now all my category blogs are mixed up.

I have several menu items of the type «category blog» 2 columns.
After the update, all these menu items have a different layout and 3 columns. In fact, they look like the Layout of «Category Blog - Masonry» used to be before. That is to say: the intro image is placed to the left side of the Text (not above the text, as it used to be).

Any idea what was going wrong here? When I switch the menu item to «Category Blog - Masonry» the page looks like the normal category blog used to look like before.

Unfortunately, I found another issue. We have some pages with a Category Blog of the type «Category Blog - Masonry» and just 1 article in the category concerned. The blog Layout is defined 1 leading article and 2 columns. This causes the only article being displayed twice.

I renamed the folders
- templates/j51_ensley to templates/j51_ensley.old
- media/templates/site/j51_ensley to media/templates/site/j51_ensley.old
and then reinstalled the template J51_Ensley_J4 1.1.7. Nothing changes. There seems to be a mess in the current version of J51_Ensley.

Thank you and kind regards
  1. https://anav.ch/de/zuercher-weinland-home
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
In view of the extent of the problems, I have reset the website to the status prior to the template update. The given URL shows the previous version with J51_Ensley 1.1.5. This version seems to be ok now. I will probably refrain from installing template updates in future.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
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