Hi Ciaran,
I 'm working in my web site: https://bit.ly/3cVeo84
I copied my web site here to work better:
I have two problems:
1) if I see my web site here from mobile device: https://bit.ly/3vS8JZg
I have "J51_Carousel" with title "Le migliori ricette" which isn't working well from mobile
See the attachment.
I tried also to disable the module immediately below called "Ricette di primi piatti" by RAXO Allmode Pro without success.
The problem remains.
2) When you enter any page of my site you can see for a few seconds that the slide show images appear one below the other
and the backgroud image doesn't appear. Then the display corrects itself. See my attachment.
Is there any way to make the images appear correctly?
Thank you very much.
A nice day