I have purchased the Font-Awesome-Pro-6 version but I'm not sure how I can implement it into my website project and I'm afraid to do something wrong and ruin what's already available in the template.
Since the Bianca template already has the Fontawesome-free package, would you please help me with how to do that the same way?
Shall I just add the extra files from the pro package under the root file Fontawesome-free (public_html > media > vendor > fontawsome-free) and add a code to the head tag (in this case what would be the code)? Are there specific folders from the package that I need to add to another directory?
The files included in my pro package are:
- css
- js
- less
- metadata
- scss
- sprites
- svgs
- webfonts
Would sharing the Pro package with you via WeTransfer would help and give you an insight of the included folders/subfolder?
I'm a bit struggling here as I'm not a developer in profession!