I'm currently working with Natalie J4 on redesigning our website. The test page is: “https://natalie.goedelgasse.at”. Previously we used Natalie J3.
I have already encountered some errors and asked for help.
1. The contact form:
The contact form layout is different from the demo layout. I have already described this problem in my post "J4 Natalie User Form is Incorrect". With Ciaran's help, we were now able to arrange the three parts of the form (login-description, login and login__options list-group) in one column instead of three separate columns. Unfortunately this is only a partial solution:
- The login description is significantly wider than the fields of the lower elements.
- With the "login__options list-group" I figured out how to correct this myself using "custom CSS".
I also purchased the Carmen template, but it also has the same problem!
2. Horizontal menu instead of vertical:
In the J3 version it was possible to convert a vertical menu horizontally by adding "nav-pills" to the "Menu" CSS class. This method no longer works in the J4 version.
I found a solution on the web at "https://forum.joomla.de/thread/15174-menu-horizontal-statt-vertikal/", which unfortunately doesn't work for me.
Does anyone have an idea how I could solve this problem?