I hope you and your family are all well and safe during this unprecedented times. And with all the good weather we have in Ireland since mid March, if not unprecedented, it is really different from the usual Spring Summer time !!!

I am enjoying building a new website, with one of your templates again. And going through customisation, I am wondering how to generate a palette of colours to match with my main colours. For example, in the template settings > General > Body/Header Styling, also Module/Component Styling, and Typography Styling, there are variations of white/light grey, and black/light grey. And sometimes lighter or darker than the main colour (a gold colour for my example with template Naomi style 5, see screenshot).
As I am using a different gold colour, and slightly different dark and light greys, how could I customise while keeping the harmony and variation that you have created?
If it is a designer secret, I would understand

Kind regards,