I'm trying to create a layout override for ImageHover Gallery module to restore having a heading for the hover image appear back under the tile. This is how the client had the module with the Joomla 3 version, but the heading does not appear now after the upgrade to Joomla 4.
I've created a template override via Templates (Site) > Create Overrides, which created copies of the 3 files - default.php, carousel.php, masonry.php - into this folder:
I've then tried both editing the copied files, as well as creating a copy of default.php and renaming it to create a new layout. Creating the new layout has the layout appear in the dropdown list in the module settings.
The theory is that the layout override in the template's HTML folder should take precedence over the module's default layouts.
In all cases I'm finding this is not the case, and it continues to pull the default layout - it also doesn't change between selecting default, carousel or masonry.
To help troubleshoot, can you first confirm that all I need is templates\<template>\html\mod_j51imagehover/newlayout.php in order to end up with a new layout showing as "newlayout" in the dropdown, and in modifying that file I should see the layout change?