Help appreciated with the following:
I'm populating a Grid Gallery in the J51_Polaris template using 15 images* and links. the first 10 images display correctly, then I get:
Undefined index: in .../public_html/modules/mod_j51gridgallery/tmpl/default.php on line 119
Undefined index: in .../public_html/modules/mod_j51gridgallery/tmpl/default.php on line 122
Undefined index: in .../public_html/modules/mod_j51gridgallery/tmpl/default.php on line 127
Undefined index: in .../public_html/modules/mod_j51gridgallery/tmpl/default.php on line 136
Undefined index: in .../public_html/modules/mod_j51gridgallery/tmpl/default.php on line 143
for each of the remaining 5 images/links.
I have set the Number of Images To Display in general settings to 15.
*I am using the same image in each instance at the moment, as the client has not yet supplied the full set.
Help please!