Hi Ciaran,
Artisan template - Gridgallery module
The caption text that I want to use is just slightly too wide for the image width I am using and so it wraps to a new line and out of sight. There is sufficient space to show the text, so I'd like to decrease the internal left/right margins of the mouse over element to allow the text to appear without line wrapping. Adding 5px of padding left and right is enough to make the line not wrap.
I've been looking at either changing the margins or decreasing the font size, but I would rather do the former.
I've tried inserting the following custom css (and some variations), but I think I'm just not hitting the right element:
.j51gridgallery figcaption {
padding-left 0px;
padding-right 0px;
I've spent some time trying to find the solution on the forums and at w3schools css reference without success.
Most of the time I can find a solution on the forums here, but no such luck this time.
Thanks in advance!!!