Hallo Vtom,
ja, ich habe das gleiche Problem. Aber ich baue das bei jedem Projekt am Ende gleich um, müßte ich jetzt alle auf einmal machen, wäre ich locker drei Tage beschäftigt

Ich wüßte keine einfachere Variante, bin aber für Vorschläge offen
Yes it would be nice if J51 would add a variable to disable google fonts and set a self-defined kind of "local-fonts.css".
The problem is, after every template update you have to set it again. Not all steps but the fonts.php.
So a variable for the fonts.php would be nice.
Something like:
if($j51_localfont) {
} else {
foreach ($googlefonts as $v) { // loop
$app->getDocument()->addStyleSheet('//http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' . $v . ':' . $font_weights . '&&subset=' . $font_subset . '&display=swap');
ok, template name should be set
Something like this would prevent us from changing the fonts.php after every template update, but not from downloading the font files and place them in the right directory.
Another possibility is that you use an extension like
But than you have only disabled all google fonts code lines, you don't have them localized

In this case I would use websafe fonts like Arial, Tahoma or Times..... instead of paying for an extension like this