I hope you're well and happy new year to you!
Just a quick question - you kindly provided some custom ccs to enable the layer slideshow to re-size for mobile devices, but now I get a blank area underneath - if you visit teacupfairy.co.uk on a mobile you'll see what I mean. I'm using the Artisan template (which I love by the way)
Is there any way in which we could remove this please?
Also, I'm concerned about the news regarding the vulnerabilities in joomla 3.x.x - I'd like to go to 3.4.8 if possible, I think I'm on 3.4.0 right now.
Are there any limitations with this regarding the template please? I've just updated my site to the latest version of your template issued on 3rd Dec.
Let me know when you can, your assistance is always appreciated
Best Wishes