1. DamarisK
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Monday, 08 July 2024
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hello, I am using the Sophia template for my website. After the migration to J4, all Fontawesome icons have disappeared.
How can I insert or add the icons? I would like to finalise everything before I publish my site
Many thanks for your feedback
  1. http://j4.rhein-selz-geht-aus.de
  2. http://www.rhein-selz-geht-aus
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Damaris

Sorry, but I cannot see where you want to use Fontawesome icons, because your old site is not reachable. If you want a Fontawesome icon to be displayed in front of a menu item: Did you notice that J4/5 handle this situation differently from J3? In the newer version you have to set the icon for a menu item in field "Icon-Klasse zum Link", no longer in "CSS-Klasse zum Link":

Menu Item With Fontawesome Icon.jpg

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  2. Commercial Templates
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