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  2. Sherlock Holmes
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  4. Tuesday, 09 July 2019
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with current topics as data privacy protection and GDPR I want to ask if it's possible to implement an option to disable external resources - or better to switch to a local alternative (like download and replace include path with local path instead of web address). I know about caching and the disadvantage of local hosting and I am not interested in general to disable this, but I would like to have an option for certain projects. This is not a little thing to implement on the fly, but perhaps it's something for your coming joomla 4.0 updates of all templates. Or just something for future releases, perhaps perhaps.
I don't know if I know the details of GDPR right, but I might remember something like website guests shall be informed about cookies, external connections, etc. before entering the real site (which is unreal and I don't know any site which implements this right). But if I want to create a website with a little bit more focus on data privacy then it would be a nice feature to disable external javascript resources etc. I think to create a module to ask the visitior on his first visit, whether this is allowed or not would be overkill right? Just thinking. ;)

It's just an idea and I want to throw it in here, perhaps it's something interesting for the joomla51 team, perhaps it leads to other great ideas, I don't know so... better write this instead of silence. I like your templates anyways and will always recommend them, so... thanks for your effort. :)
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Thank you for your detailed feature request. Indeed this is something that there is a strong need for. We will start implementing this feature on new template releases and include this update on pass templates when migrating to Joomla 4.

As you have pointed out, loading 3rd party dependencies locally does come with a performance hit but I agree that considering GDPR there is a strong need to include the option with each template.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Thank you for your detailed feature request. Indeed this is something that there is a strong need for. We will start implementing this feature on new template releases and include this update on pass templates when migrating to Joomla 4.

As you have pointed out, loading 3rd party dependencies locally does come with a performance hit but I agree that considering GDPR there is a strong need to include the option with each template.


I tested the updated version for 'everly' and there's no feature for usage of local fonts instead of google fonts.

In the meantime there's a court decision in germany, which forbid the usage of external ressources like google fonts without consent... so the need for local ressources are stronger then before... :(

Is this still on the agenda?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

This has proven to be very difficult as with a typical template we provide the choice of 100 - 200 fonts to choose from. Providing these fonts locally would require us to include all fonts with the template install file which would increase filesize 100 fold and exceed the most common defaults for max upload limits on PHP servers.

For future template releases, we will consider reducing the choice of font and therefore allow us to include the fonts locally.

We included a common solution suggested by one of our forum users to in our tutorials section which may be of help...

  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

This has proven to be very difficult as with a typical template we provide the choice of 100 - 200 fonts to choose from. Providing these fonts locally would require us to include all fonts with the template install file which would increase filesize 100 fold and exceed the most common defaults for max upload limits on PHP servers.

For future template releases, we will consider reducing the choice of font and therefore allow us to include the fonts locally.

We included a common solution suggested by one of our forum users to in our tutorials section which may be of help...


How about a more dynamic option instead of include all fonts in the install package?

Beside the font dropdown menu, integrate a download button. And if you click it, the current chosen font will be downloaded into my local installation.
And if it's a problem to check for local files if the font exist and use google instead: just duplicate your whole font list with a suffix "(local)"...

If I choose "font x (local)", you insert a local path in <head>... if the font doesn't exist, 404, user fault. If I press the download button, only local x (not y) will be downloaded to the local files and the path doesn't end 404...
and as candy: in template option put an green checkmark beside the dropdown if the local file is found... how often do you use the template options? you can check for file_exist()... website in production doesn't need to check it everytime, just use the string for the local path...
If directories are a problem, download it to /image/fonts or something...

I build websites for non-technical users and it's not okay, if they need professional support for a simple font switch plus being legally compliant.
An option "font x (local)" with download button would be easy enough and normally you need it one time! Nobody switch fonts in production.


I can write a little bit php and I am sure I can write a function for that - I just don't know how to implement it in your code without breaking something else...

Nice that there's a "no font awesome" option in your templates. But if I use dropdown menus, it's garbage...

So it's required to use font aweome if I use dropdown menus...

But in germany its legally critical to use it... perhaps I have to look for alternatives to joomla51? I don't want to, I like your templates... but I don't want a legal procedure...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Just to repeat what I mentioned in your other post, we have added a feature to allow you to setup self-hosted Google fonts (Template Style settings -> General -> Self Host Fonts) to the Everly. For now, this does involve some manual steps which is not ideal as it is not possible for a Joomla template to download assets to the media folder which can only be achieved through a plugin. All steps involved are detailed within the template style settings. We will be looking into improving this feature in other ways (eg auto-create font-face CSS).

We will be adding this feature to all Joomla 4 templates.

It is also worth mentioning that Dimitris had created a pull request to Joomla core to add this feature to the template component however it was rejected. You can follow the discussion here... . Fell free to add a comment of support because it is only with the support that these improvements get merged.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. General
  3. # 5
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