Our websites run with Joomla 3.10.10, have template J51_Emani 3 (version 1.0.5) and are hosted by United Domains.
I tried to automatically upgrade our websites to Joomla 4, by using this instruction and that instruction. But afterwards the backend always is destroyed and not working properly and the frontend always shows error 500.
According to the instructions, I always set the Joomla-Update-Server to “Joomla! Next”, cleaned the cache regularly, and deinstalled or disabled the problematic extensions and plugins which are displayed by the Pre-Update Check und the Live Update. But there the problems are getting started:
The screenshots show our J3-website with DOCman 4.0 installed. DOCman 4.0 (by joomlatools) is compatible with Joomla 3 and Joomla 4, but the Pre-Update Check displays DOCman as problematic extension. I disabled all the problematic displayed DOCman extensions and plugins, but the Pre-Update Check still shows them as problematic. First I ran the upgrade with disabled DOCman and got a destroyed backend and an error 500 frontend. Then I ran the upgrade with deinstalled DOCman and got a perfectly working backend, but without all the DOCman content, and an frontend error 500 “behaviour::caption not found”.
I uploaded the new version Emani 1.1.3 (for J4) on our J3-websites before upgrading to J4, but some J51_modules (both from Emani 1.0.5 for J3 and from Emani 1.1.3 for J4) are displayed as problematic extensions, some are not. I successfully deinstalled all the problematic J51_modules; the template J51_Emani can´t be uninstalled because it´s the default template.
Nonetheless I installed the update. The backend seemed to run successfully on J4, I set the Joomla-Update-Server on Default, but after clicking on Home Dashboard or System the backend layout and content are destroyed (tab says “error 500”), I can´t reach/open configuration or extensions, all menus are empty (“error 500 Unknown column 'a.publish_up' in 'field list'”), all articles are error as well (“error 0 count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, bool given”), just the site modules are still there and with content. And the frontend showed a ed error layout with "the server returned a "500 - Whoops, looks like something went wrong".
What´s causing these upgrade errors?
How do I do the automatically upgrade correctly? Is there another and definitive working instruction?
Thanks in advance and greetings