Hope you are fine in these strange times!
J51_news module (template = Carmen)
How can I define the height of the div's next to each other in pixels? I can define 'Intro Text Length' in the setup of the module. But text in my newsarticles differs in textlenght (and text is also quite short).
If I define 'Intro Text Length' in the setup, some text in several articles is CUT OFF on the end (...). I DON'T want that.
I want to show ALWAYS the whole text of the article in the module. So, If I can give the div's in the module that are NEXT to EACH OTHER THE SAME HEIGHT (enough to show the text of 'longest' article) then I can see the whole text AND the div's have nice the same heigth. Of course in that case there will be some 'empty space' in several div's on the bottom (above the 'Bekijken'-button), but that is okay.
Do you have some CSS? (See image attachment)
Best regards