1. tomk
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Monday, 21 January 2013
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I purchased both Resonate and Oxygen templates, but need to have different main-menus displayed in hornav position for non-logged in users and logged in users. In other templates, I use module 'metamod' to control which menus are displayed in menu module position under different circumstances. Because of the way both these templates are set up, metamod does not display the appropriate menus correctly.

Is there a way to display different menus (with completely different menu choices) in hornav positon depending on whether user is logged in or not?
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Tom

May I suggest the following post which details how to convert the top menu area to a module position. Post is for our Avenue template but will also apply to both our Oxygen and Resonate templates. This will allow you to set up your multiple menus as normal.


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