this the response about an issue with iProperty:
Your template is using Bootstrap 3 instead of the Joomla standard Bootstrap 2.3. This means it will break all layouts and JHTML core widgets including the tabs, drawers, etc.
You MUST use a template that respects the Joomla standard libraries, or else there's no way to ensure that expected behaviors will work. Joomla uses Bootstrap 2.3-- that's not our choice, that's Joomla core teams choice, so that's what we use.
Developers like RocketTheme ensure that they use Joomla core libraries in their templates, which ensures that components, layouts and Joomla core functionality works as expected.
Do you have some templates that use bootstrap 2.3 ?
Or, is it possible to use Renovate (the template I'm using with iProperty) with bootsrap 2.3?