Hi Ciarán
Here I am again. This time is to find out if there is a possibility to add an image as a background of the entire page (not only a module) in Hannah template. Can I use some code for that?
- wallis
- Commercial Templates
- Tuesday, 21 March 2017
- Subscribe via email
To amend try adding the following to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters where # is the URL to your image (edit to taste)...
To amend try adding the following to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters where # is the URL to your image (edit to taste)...
body {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url("#");
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 1
Thank you Ciarán for your answer. Unfortunately the code you gave me doesn't work on my website. I put it in the first page and its subordinated page and doesn't work in both.
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 2
Hi Wallis
Checking your site source, I am unable to see the suggest custom CSS. If you have cache enabled be sure to clear your Joomla cache (System -> Cear Cache). If this still does not resolve the issue may I suggest sending temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to info@joomla51.com and we will examine this issue further. For our reference please paste a link to this post in your email.
Checking your site source, I am unable to see the suggest custom CSS. If you have cache enabled be sure to clear your Joomla cache (System -> Cear Cache). If this still does not resolve the issue may I suggest sending temporary administration access to your Joomla installation to info@joomla51.com and we will examine this issue further. For our reference please paste a link to this post in your email.
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 3
Thank you
We have amended your Custom CSS to the following which has resolved the issue...
We have amended your Custom CSS to the following which has resolved the issue...
body {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-image: url("https://www.agrupamento-alfredodasilva-sintra.pt/work/images/fundo-azul-claro.jpg");
body, #body_panel {
background-color: transparent;
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 4
It works. Thank you Ciarán. For the sake of the members of the forum I tell you what I did next. As a consequence of adding a background image, I needed the top and the bottom modules be transparent to have the image visible through them. Following the logic of the code you gave me, I adjusted the last line to read:
body, #body_panel,
#container_top1_modules .wrapper960,
#container_bottom3_modules .wrapper960 {
background-color: transparent;
I don’t want to abuse your patience and time but I still have a problem with that background image.
To test what image resolution I should use I got an image I used successfully as a background in another project with the J51_Creative template (http://www.work-ais.enasa.aero)
My PC screen horizontal resolution is 1920px
J51_Creative template size: 1120px
The horizontal resolution of the background image: 1400px
The image shows complete in the screen.
The same image in the same PC in Hannah template:
J51_Hannah template size 1200px (http://www.agrupamento-alfredodasilva-sintra.pt/work) only in the main page submenus.
As I mentioned, the image horizontal resolution is 1400px
The image covers only part of the screen coming from the left and repeats.
If I add no-repeat to the code (background-repeat: no-repeat
the image does not repeat and the screen is blank to the right.
What shall I do to adjust the Hannah defaults?
Best ragards
body, #body_panel,
#container_top1_modules .wrapper960,
#container_bottom3_modules .wrapper960 {
background-color: transparent;
I don’t want to abuse your patience and time but I still have a problem with that background image.
To test what image resolution I should use I got an image I used successfully as a background in another project with the J51_Creative template (http://www.work-ais.enasa.aero)
My PC screen horizontal resolution is 1920px
J51_Creative template size: 1120px
The horizontal resolution of the background image: 1400px
The image shows complete in the screen.
The same image in the same PC in Hannah template:
J51_Hannah template size 1200px (http://www.agrupamento-alfredodasilva-sintra.pt/work) only in the main page submenus.
As I mentioned, the image horizontal resolution is 1400px
The image covers only part of the screen coming from the left and repeats.
If I add no-repeat to the code (background-repeat: no-repeat

What shall I do to adjust the Hannah defaults?
Best ragards
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 5
Hi Wallis
Presuming I understand you correctly try also adding the following to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters...
Presuming I understand you correctly try also adding the following to the Custom CSS field of your templates parameters...
body {
background-attachment: fixed;
background-size: cover;
- more than a month ago
- Commercial Templates
- # 6
- Page :
- 1
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