1. wzk
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. Thursday, 27 February 2025
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I have checked my website with https://validator.w3.org and get the following error message:
Bad value `Help with stains` for attribute `name` on element [`a`](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#the-a-element): An ID must not contain whitespace.
item-120‘>**<a href=’https://www.domain.de‘ target=’_blank‘ title=’Help with stains‘ onclick=’dodajAktywne(this)‘ name=’Help with stains">**Help

This is just an example. I have noticed that the title of a link is also used for ‘name’ and spaces are probably forbidden there. Is this due to the template? I use ‘J51 LAYLA’.
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Would you have a URL to an example of this issue?

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