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  4. Thursday, 07 February 2019
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we have a huge issue with the Artisan template

when we delete articles from Trash, suddenly we are logged off and prompts the error:

Warning you do not have access to the administration section of this site

uploaded the saved database, did all the changes from the beginning, and then when we tried to delete one by one the articles from quick start, again we cannot login

the live site is

can you guide us oin how to solve this? thank you in advnace

George & Rita
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Sorry to say this would not be a template related issue. You can enable one of the default Joomla templates and you will find the same issue exists.

Do you have 'Super User' access to your Joomla installation (eg. Can you access your extensions manager (Extensions -> Manage))?

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
for sure the user allways has been Super User, the website is almost completely ready with lots of extension already installed

now we cannot even log in as administrator, this happened at the last step when we tried to install a 2nd language

we installed the quick start package not just the template, so something might went wrong there, and when we delete the quick start files we are logged off, not one of the articles created manually
when logged in as admins, of course we have full access
also, we allways create 2 super users, and both accounts cannot log in when this happens
we believe that indeed it's not a template problem, but something gos very wrong with the quickstart
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

It is quite difficulty to say exactly what may be causing this. Do you know if the users still exist in the database? Is there any plugins installed that could cause this issue? Does disabling all 3rd party plugins allow you back in to your Joomla administration? The following article details how to disable plugins outside of the Joomla administration...

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hello Ciaran,

After checking my database I noticed that all the tables are duplicated (bak_Ivfan_tables & Ivfan_tables). So I have one table bak_Ivfan_users (in this table there is a super user with your email) and a second table Ivfan_users ( with my super user account). I made also locally a clean quick start installation (a test DB) and and the problem exists also there, so the scenario that maybe some 3rd party plugins caused this problem is not valid. It seems that the quick start package package creates this issue.
Now our online DB is like the one that I send you with all the table dublicated.

Attachments (4)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thank you for detailing the issue.

The duplicate entries in your database should not be an issue. During installation, Joomla will create a backup of your database if you attempt to install using a prefix that already exists. The backup will prefix all tables with 'bak_'.

My concern is the admin account that already exists and it may be this that is causing you the issue. I have rebuilt the Artisan template demo installer, updating to the latest version of Joomla and ensuring no conflicting user accounts remain in the database. This obtain this update simply re-download your template from your Joomla51 'Downloads' (Profile -> Downloads).

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Commercial Templates
  3. # 5
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