Hi Ciaran,
I have a bit of a responsive problem with the Base 2 modules with the Ariana template.
On the view port range approx 768-1109px they are not stacking, just reducing in width which makes base 2b (map) and base 2c (Facebook module) not look good, cropped... (screenshot attached).
I tried hiding the base 2c (Facebook module) for mobile and tablet but then the base 2b (map) is still squished and there is just a blank space where the base 2c Facebook module was.
I have set module widths for base2 a/b/c all at 33/33/33 % width, with zero % for base 2 d/e/f, I have tried enabling/disabling manual widths but no stacking happening in that view port range.
The modules do stack fine on viewport widths less than 768px.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for any assistance.