1. ziggy
  2. Sherlock Holmes
  3. Commercial Templates
  4. Monday, 26 November 2012
  5.  Subscribe via email
I am trying to replicate the same modification I made to the juniper template here http://www.domlive.org in the resonance template here joomla.domlive.org. i.e placing the video module ontop of the showcase module position and to the left side.
I spent a million years figuring out how to do it the first time 3 yrs ago and have forgotten. I'm hopping to save time and trouble. Any help would be appreciated.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi jsnaddy

You can add a video using the Joomlas 'Custom HTML' module (Extensions -> Module Manager -> New -> Custom HTML). Before creating the module ensure you are using the CodeMirror editor. Simply add the video embed code in to the article section of the module.

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