Two New Module Extensions to Close off the Year
As 2018 slowly comes to a close, the Joomla51 elves have been busy developing two new module extensions that will add a touch of sugar to your Joomla project.
First of these is the new J51 Progress module. Progress bars are a common UI element with loads of possible applications from personal online CVs to buisness statistics. The J51 Progress modules allows you to create stylish progress bars quickly and easily. The module comes with several usefull options to customise both layout and style including an option to animate each progress bar as it scrolls in to the viewport. Other options include multiple columns, color and height for each progress bar and value/progress bar orientation.
J51 Progress Demo - Setup Tutorial
The second module new developed is call J51 Numbers and it does pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. Create animated numbers allows displaying stats relative to your brand in an attention-grabbing manner. Each number will animate from 0 to its value as the user scrolls the module into view. The module is very simple to set up allowing you to add unlimited stats quickly and easily. Useful options include allowing complete control of both color and layout. With each number, fields are included to add a title and caption to detail the relevance of the number to your site visitors. The module is fully responsive ensuring perfect viewing across all devices.